
Welcome to The Mindful Rambler


The Mindful Rambler is an online platform for discourse on interpretation, discussing how writers, creators, and artists connect with audiences through storytelling.

With a focus on history, literature, biography, and art, The Mindful Rambler examines the interpretive techniques that help popular media act as instruments of informal education.



The Mindful Rambler was founded in 2018 by Serena Ypelaar (BA Hons., MMSt*). Serena’s work focuses on interpretation and visitor experience in museums and historic sites, literary biography, British colonial history in North America, and book history. 

Formerly the Editor-in-Chief of Musings, the Master of Museum Studies blog at the University of Toronto, Serena has taken her love of interpretation and applied it more broadly to consider the significance of storytelling in the public sphere.



Established in Toronto, The Mindful Rambler publishes articles from heritage and arts professionals based in cities across Canada. Our writers are educated at the graduate level in the humanities in disciplines such as museum studies, history, English literature, public history, communications, and more. 

* Honours Bachelor of Arts, History and English Literature, University of Ottawa ’16; Master of Museum Studies, University of Toronto Faculty of Information ’18.

Raven photography by Mark Ypelaar, 2017.